EdgeTech - DPS3 Heated Dew Point Chilled Mirror Hygrometer
Measures up to 95°C (203°F) DP. Applications: Furnaces, Plastic Blow Molding, Heat Treat, Compressed Air Systems, engine exhaust, Nuclear fuel rod processing, and fluidized beds.
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Chilled Mirror Dew Point Hygrometer, Accuracies to +/-0.1C. Measures dew point, absolute pressure, PPMv and other psychrometric variables

Transportable, NIST-Traceable Relative Humidity Generator and Calibration Unit, Accuracies +/-0.5% RH, Temperature +/-0.1C and Dew Point +/-0.2C

Low cost and compact in size, applications include HVAC Duct, glove box, and ambient air monitoring, product storage areas, HVAC test cells, clean rooms and industrial processes.

Offers a direct reading of dew point (Primary Standard) with exceptional accuracy, no-drift and long life, for monitoring compressed air/ dryer system quality.