In-Situ Inc. designs, manufactures, instrumentation for measuring water. Applications include water and wastewater treatment, aquifer characterization, mining, oil/gas, remediation, aquaculture, and more.
Product Categories
In-Situ - Cable Hanger Kit for Rugged TROLL 200 (P/N: 0080880)
Acts as a strain relief for longer cable lengths
In-Situ 7-inch Rugged Android Tablet (P/N: 0061150)
Use this six-inch Rugged Android 8.1 Device with the VuSitu mobile app and your Aqua TROLL or Level TROLL instrument for instant data and spot-checking results.
In-Situ - Wireless TROLL Com (P/N: 0031240)
The Wireless TROLL Com provides wireless communication between a cabled, deployed Aqua TROLL or Level TROLL instrument and a PC/laptop or Android mobile device.
In-Situ - Twist-Lock Backshell Hanger (P/N: 0051480)
Available for vented and non-vented cables