In-Situ Mobile Devices for Vu-Situ Software (P/N: 0054500, 0099090)
Use these Rugged Android or iPad devices with the VuSitu mobile app and your Aqua TROLL or Level TROLL instrument for instant data and spot-checking results.
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The Wireless TROLL Com provides wireless communication between a cabled, deployed Aqua TROLL or Level TROLL instrument and a PC/laptop or Android mobile device.

Connect using an Apple iOs or Android cell phone or tablet to an In-Situ® Inc. instrument for collecting data. View, store, and email field data.

Cloud based service, interface with In-Situ instruments and telemetry for secure access to your data, when and where you need it.

PC/laptop software used with In-Situ equipment, used for collecting water quality and quantity data.