Product Categories
In-Situ - Twist-Lock Backshell Hanger (P/N: 0051480)
Available for vented and non-vented cables
In-Situ 7-inch Rugged Android Tablet (P/N: 0061150)
Use this six-inch Rugged Android 8.1 Device with the VuSitu mobile app and your Aqua TROLL or Level TROLL instrument for instant data and spot-checking results.
In-Situ - Cable Hanger Kit for Rugged TROLL 200 (P/N: 0080880)
Acts as a strain relief for longer cable lengths
In-Situ - Wireless Rugged TROLL Com (P/N: 0031220)
Provides wireless communication between a cabled, deployed Rugged TROLL 100 or 200 and a PC/laptop or Android mobile device.
In-Situ Aqua TROLL 100 Data Logger
Measures and records conductivity and temperature, the sensor body is Titanium construction.
In-Situ Aqua TROLL 400 Multiparameter Probe
All-in-one multiparameter process probe designed to measure 12 water parameters.
In-Situ - Aqua TROLL 500 Multiparameter Probe
Flexible multi-parameter sonde with interchangeable sensors, the Aqua TROLL 500 replaces multiple instruments and saves time in the field to reduce overall monitoring costs.
In-Situ Level TROLL 700H Data Logger
Vented only. Meets the OSW Surface-Water Specification. Records water level, pressure, and temperature.
In-Situ - Level TROLL 700 Data Logger
Vented and Non-Vented. Specialized for aquifer characterization. Records water level, pressure, and temperature.
In-Situ - Level BaroTROLL Precision Pressure Barometer
Accuracy: ±0.05% FS TEB from -5 to 50° C (23 to 122° F). Highly Recommended. Includes mA, ModBus and SDI-12 Outputs. Eliminates the need for an STE (Sensor Termination Enclosure) for maintenance-free operation.
In-Situ Level TROLL 400 Data Logger
Non-Vented only (for vented use Model 500). The model 400 records water level, pressure, and temperature.
In-Situ - Rugged TROLL 200 Data Logger
Records water level, pressure, and temperature. Non-vented only options available. Use for real-time data applications.
HF Scientific - Total Chlorine Pocket Photometer (P/N 10473)
Accurately measure total chlorine, EPA approved method. Includes carrying case, PPD-2 powder pop dispenser.
HF Scientific - Chlorine Dioxide Pocket Photometer (P/N 10474)
Accurately measure chlorine dioxide. Includes carrying case, PPD-2 powder pop dispenser.