Product Categories
EdgeTech - AcuDew Aluminum Oxide Moisture Transmitter
SensorPros recommends the "Shaw - AcuDew Aluminum Oxide Moisture Transmitter" product line as the replacement sensor.
EdgeTech - DewTrak II MO Dew Point & Humidity Transmitter for Octane
Measures the moisture content and Barometric pressure in the motor octane testing process to ensure compliance with test standards ASTM D2700, D2699, D2885.
EdgeTech - 137 Vigilant Aircraft Hygrometer
SensorPros recommends the "EdgeTech - DewMaster - Dew Point Chilled Mirror Hygrometer" as its direct replacement.
Edgetech - SENTRY Compressed Gas Alarm System
Ideal for compressed air systems, a multi-sense, field replaceable polymer sensor measures humidity, temperature, pressure and calculates trace moisture concentration in PPMv.
EdgeTech - DPM99 Dew Point Monitor for Medical Compressed Air Systems
Direct reading of dew point (Primary Standard) with exceptional accuracy, no-drift and long life, meets the monitoring and alarm requirements of NFPA 99 for medical air service.