Tek-Trol - Tek-Flex 4100A Series - Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter
An Explosion-Proof, 2-wire guided radar level transmitter based on the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology. It measures distance, level, mass, and volume of liquids, pastes, and slurries.

Tek-Trol - Tek-Flex 4100A Series - Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter
An Explosion-Proof, 2-wire guided radar level transmitter based on the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology. It measures distance, level, mass, and volume of liquids, pastes, and slurries.
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Since it does not come in contact with the media, it can also be used to measure levels of corrosive, viscous, and abrasive materials, without suffering any damage.

It is a perfect application for water treatment, storage tanks, open basins, pump/lift stations, sewer management rain overflow basins, and level monitoring.

A 26GHz high-frequency radar-type level measuring instrument measuring up to 90 feet. This high-frequency radar transmitter is best for measuring solids and low dielectric constant medium. Easy to install with a horn that fits in a 2” NPT.

Measures distance, level, volume, and mass of liquids, solids. It is an affordable solution for applications that do not require a high level of accuracy and is an excellent alternative to traditional level controls such as RF Capacitance, conductive, and DP transmitters.