About Edgetech Instruments

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Edgetech Instruments Inc.
Moisture, Humidity & Oxygen Instrumentation

Edgetech Instruments designs & manufactures reliable and accurate hygrometers, RH transmitters, humidity probes, moisture analyzers, RH calibrators, dew point generator and oxygen instrumentation that provide accurate measurements of dew point, oxygen, humidity and relative humidity.

Edgetech Instruments Inc. (ETI) Has been known for many years as experts in chilled mirror sensor technology. The chilled mirror sensor is a NIST Traceable Primary Standard Technique to measure dew point. It is very robust, has excellent accuracy, quick response time and an extremely long life characteristic. ETI offers chilled mirror sensors in a variety of configurations including remote probes in addition to local flow through sampling heads.

Edgetech Instruments Inc. (ETI) is a USA company based in Massachusetts. They have over 50 years of expertise in the design and manufacture of a comprehensive range of DewPoint, RH, and Moisture sensors as well as a complimentary line of analysis instrumentation. From their early beginnings working directly with the MIT researcher that conceived the idea of using a chilled mirror to measure dew point, Edgetech Instruments has become world renowned in the development of moisture analysis methods. Today they utilize a wide range of sensing technologies to measure moisture and an assortment of gas species and physical characteristics.