by In-Situ

pH / ORP:

In-Situ - Reference Junction Kit (pH/ORP and ISE Sensors) (P/N: 0078990)
For pH/ORP and ISE Sensors, includes 3 junctions, 60mL fill solution

In-Situ - pH Calibration Solution
NIST-traceable calibration solution. Available in pH 4, 7, or 10 in various volumes

Prices Start at: $37.00

In-Situ - pH Calibration Kit  (P/N:  0032080)
Full Range pH only (pH 4, 7, and 10, deionized water); 1-liter each
In-Situ - pH and ORP Calibration Kit  (P/N: 0032120)
  • Full Range pH plus ORP (pH 4, 7, and 10, Zobell’s Solution) — 1 liter each


In-Situ - pH Electrode Storage Solution  (P/N: 0065370)
  • Keeps pH probes in good working order with proper storage

In-Situ - ZoBell’s ORP/Redox Calibration Solution

  • Use this standard for calibrating ORP/Redox electrodes
  • Available in 500 mL or 1 liter volumes
Prices Start at $47.00
 Rugged Dissolved Oxygen (RDO):

In-Situ - Aqua TROLL RDO-X Cap Replacement Kit  (P/N:  0079790)

  • RDO-X Sensor Cap Kit has everything needed to replace  expired RDO-X Cap for the Aqua TROLL 600 Multiparameter Sonde and Aqua TROLL 500 Multiparameter Sonde
  • Typically, needs to be replaced every 2 years, depending on conditions

In-Situ - Aqua TROLL RDO Fast Cap Replacement Kit  (P/N:  0066800)

  •  Aqua TROLL RDO Fast Cap Replacement Kit has everything needed to replace expired RDO Fast Cap for the Aqua TROLL 500 and Aqua TROLL 600
  • Typically, needs to be replaced every year, depending on conditions
  • Calibration solution for zero-point dissolved oxygen calibration

In-Situ - Dissolved Oxygen Calibration Kit  (P/N:  0032110)

  • Use this kit containing sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) calibration solution and DI water when calibrating probes at 0% saturation


    In-Situ - Dissolved Oxygen Field Calibration Kit (P/N: 0075600)
    •  Dissolved Oxygen Calibration Kit has everything needed to perform 2-point calibrations in the field, lab, or office for sub 2-inch RDO sensors (Aqua Troll 400, 500 and 600)

    In-Situ - Conductivity Calibration Solution

    • Choose from four NIST-traceable conductivity calibration solutions
    • Ideal for calibrating conductivity probes
    • Solutions available in 1-liter volumes.
    • Available in:  147 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, 12890 µS/cm and 58670 µS/cm
    Prices Start at: $47.00

    In-Situ - Conductivity Calibration Kits

    • Ideal for multi-point calibrations, this kit contains NIST-traceable conductivity calibration solutions in three ranges
    • Low-range (147 µS/cm & 1413 µS/cm); 2 liters each
    • High-range (12890 µS/cm & 58670 µS/cm); 2 liters each
    • Full-range (147 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, & 12890 µS/cm); 1 liter each plus 1-liter deionized water

    Prices Start at: $115.00


    In-Situ - Aqua TROLL Turbidity Standards

    • NIST-traceable turbidity calibration solution (polymer suspension) for Aqua TROLL 600 in 500 mL volumes
    • Available in 10 NTU, 100 NTU, 1000 NTU, 2000 NTU, or 4000 NTU
    Prices Start at: $135.00

    ISE (Ammonium, Nitrate and Chloride):

    In-Situ - Ammonium Calibration Kit  (P/N: 0032140)

    • Calibration standard for ammonium Ion-Sensitive Electrodes (ISEs)
    • The Kit includes: (1 liter each: 14, 140, 1400 ppm, plus deionized water).
    In-Situ - Nitrate Calibration Kit  (P/N:  0032130)
    • Calibration standard for nitrate Ion- Sensitive Electrodes (ISEs)
    In-Situ - Chloride Calibration Kit  (P/N: 0032150)
    • Calibration standard for chloride Ion-Sensitive Electrodes (ISEs)
    In-Situ - Chloride Calibration Solutions
    • Calibration standard solution for chloride Ion-Sensitive Electrodes (ISEs)
    • Available in 35.5 ppm, 355, or 3545 ppm, in a 1-liter bottle
    Prices Start at: $68.00