DewMaster Dew Point Chilled Mirror Hygrometer - DESCRIPTION
DewMaster Dew Point Chilled Mirror Hygrometer - DESCRIPTION
by EdgeTech Instruments
The DewMaster Hygrometer is a versatile, multi-function, optical chilled mirror hygrometer designed to continuously measure the moisture content in gases. Available in benchtop, NEMA 4, or 19 inch panel mount configurations, the DewMaster readily adapts to a wide range of applications. Offering users a wide range of sensor choices and interface options, this hygrometer has been field proven in laboratories, industrial environments and many customized applications.
The DewMaster uses the chilled mirror (CM) dew point temperature condensation principle to determine the water vapor concentration in gas mixtures, providing a precision platinum resistance thermometer to measure mirror temperature. The CM uses a thermo-electric device to control the temperature of the mirror in determining dew point. Since it is a direct measurement of dew point and thus a primary standard measurement technique, the DewMaster is highly regarded by laboratories and manufacturing facilities for its accuracy, quick dry down, fast response in detecting upset conditions and long life characteristics.