DPI 620 Genii Multifunction Calibrator - ACCESSORIES

DPI 620 Genii Multifunction Calibrator - ACCESSORIES
by Druck

The DPI620 Genii is a modular unit and these additional items can be added at any time to enhance the features of your unit. Some might be required for the operation of your product, and some may not. We strongly advise that you carefully consider each item for purchase, unless you already own a suitable alternative.

Pressure Measurement:


PM620 Pressure Modules

Druck - PM620 - DPI620 Genii Pressure Modules
Total uncertainty = +/-0.05% FS. interchangeable pressure modules

Starting at:

PM620 TERPS High Accuracy Pressure Modules

Druck - PM620T - TERPS High Accuracy Pressure Modules
Total uncertainty = +/-0.0125% FS. Interchangeable pressure modules

Starting at:

Pressure Module Carrier  (MC620G)

Druck - MC620G - Pressure Module Carrier

Attaches to the DPI620 Genii allowing it to be a pressure indicator

PV621G, PV622G, PV623G Pressure Generation Stations

Druck - PV621G, PV622G, PV623G Pressure Generation Stations
Advanced pressure measurement and generation system for the Druck DPI620 Genii

Starting at:



DPI620 AC Voltage Measurement Probe (P/N IO620-AC)

Druck - DPI620 AC Voltage Measurement Probe (P/N: IO620-AC)
AC voltage measurement probe





IDOS - USB Module  (P/N:  IO620-IDOS-USB)

Druck - IDOS - USB Module (P/N: IO620-IDOS-USB)
Connects the IDOS pressure modules to the DPI620 USB port


Serial Cables for DPI620 Genii (P/N:  IO620-USB-PC and -RS232)

Druck - Serial Cables for DPI620 Genii (P/N: IO620-USB-PC and -RS232)
Druck USB cables are used to connect a DPI 620 to a PC or an RS-232 interface

Starting at:


4Sight2 Calibration & Asset Management Software

Druck - 4Sight2 Calibration & Asset Management Software

4Sight2 is your next-generation solution for calibration and asset management, making calibration management easy to use, cost-effective, and scalable. This software, equally effective for single-use or global multi-site operations, empowers your organization to operate simply and securely by connecting your people to instruments, data, and enhanced analytics.


Starting at: $3,844.00



Spare/Replacement Battery  (P/N:  IO620-Battery)

Druck - Spare/Replacement Battery (P/N: IO620-Battery)
Spare/replacement battery can be charged with battery-charging station P/N: IO620-CHARGER


Battery Charging Station  (P/N:  IO620-Charger)

Druck - Battery Charging Station (P/N: IO620-Charger)
Used with spare/replacement battery P/N: IO620-BATTERY




Fabric Carrying Case  (P/N:  IO620-CASE-1)

Druck - Fabric Carrying Case (P/N: IO620-CASE-1)
Holds the DPI620 Genii and test leads only


System Carrying Case  (P/N:  IO620-CASE-2)

Druck - System Carrying Case (P/N: IO620-CASE-2)
Holds the DPI620 Genii, MC620G, test leads and up to 4 pressure modules


Pressure Station Carrying Case (P/N:  IO620-CASE-3)

Druck - Pressure Station Carrying Case (P/N: IO620-CASE-3)

Holds one PV62XG pressure station, a DPI620 Genii, an MC620G, and test leads

Modular System Transit Case  (P/N:  IO620-CASE-4)

Druck - Modular System Transit Case (P/N: IO620-CASE-4)
Holds two PV62X pressure stations and DPI620s, MC620, PM620s, and test leads, with room for more. Pelican Case.




Blanking Plug  (P/N:  IO620-Blank)

Druck - Blanking Plug (P/N: IO620-Blank)
For use with a PV62X pressure station and the comparator adapter


QUICK-FIT Pressure Adaptor Sets (IO620-NPT, -BSP, -MET)

Druck - QUICK-FIT Pressure Adaptor Sets (P/N: IO620-NPT, -BSP, -MET)
A set of pressure port test point adaptors connects to the tool-less quick-fit connectors of the PV 62X, MC620, and extension hoses.

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Comparator Adaptor  (P/N:  IO620-Comp)

Druck - Comparator Adaptor (P/N: IO620-Comp-NEW)
Allows the PV 62X pressure station to be used as a comparator; used with the DPI104 Digital Pressure Indicator (as reference) and another pressure gauge under test (i.e., a bourdon-tube type pressure gauge).

DPI104 Adaptor for PV621/PV622/PV623 Pressure Stations  (P/N:  IO620-104-Adapt)

Druck - DPI104 Adaptor for PV621/PV622/PV623 Pressure Stations (P/N: IO620-104-Adapt)
Allows the PV 62X pressure station to be used as a pressure generation station along with the DPI104 Pressure Indicator.

Hydraulic Hose Kit  (P/N:  IO620-Hose-H1, and H2)

Druck - Hydraulic Hose Kit (P/N: IO620-Hose-H1 and H2)
For use with the PV623 hydraulic pressure station or the MC620 pressure module carrier along with the DPI620. Available in 1 meter (3 foot) and 2 meter (6 foot) lengths.

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Pneumatic Hose Kit  (P/N:  IO620-Hose-P1, and P2)

Druck - Pneumatic Hose Kit (P/N: IO620-Hose-P1 and P2)
For use with PV621 and PV622 pneumatic pressure stations or the MC620 pressure module carrier along with the DPI620. Available in 1 meter (3 foot) and 2 meter (6 foot) lengths.

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Pressure Relief Valves  (P/N:  IO620-PRV-XX)

Druck - Pressure Relief Valves (P/N: IO620-PRV-XX)
Used with the PV62X pressure station to limit the pressure that is generated to a safe level for your application.

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IDT621 Dirt Mositure Trap  (P/N:  IO620-IDT621)

Druck - Dirt Moisture Trap (P/N: IO620-IDT621-NEW)
Dirt moisture trap for PV621 pressure station. Maximum pressure: 20 bar / 300 psi


IDT622 Dirt Mositure Trap  (P/N:  IO620-IDT622)

Druck - Dirt Moisture Trap (P/N: IO620-IDT622)
Dirt moisture trap for PV622 pressure station. Maximum pressure: 100 bar / 1500 psi

Universal Power Charger for Portable Calibrators  (P/N:  IO620-PSU)

Druck - Universal Power Charger for Portable Calibrators (P/N: IO620-PSU)
Universal power supply for DPI620 with worldwide interchangeable plugs.
