EE060 Humidity & Temperature Probe with Voltage Output -DESCRIPTION

EE060 Humidity & Temperature Probe with Voltage Output -DESCRIPTION
by E+E Elektronik

EE060 probes are the ideal solution for cost-effective, highly accurate, and reliable measurement of relative humidity (RH) and temperature (T). Excellent protection against external influences is ensured by combining the completely encapsulated electronics and the long-term stable HCT01 sensing element with E+E proprietary protective coating.

EE060 is available with an integrated cable or a threaded connector, wide temperature and supply voltage ranges and dual 0 - 1 V, 0 - 5 V, or 0 - 10 V analog outputs for humidity and temperature. The result of the wide temperature range and supply voltage combined with the excellent long-term stability makes for a versatile applicable probe.