HP125 Series Multi-Sense Humidity Probe - DESCRIPTION

HP125 Series Multi-Sense Humidity Probe - DESCRIPTION
by EdgeTech Instruments

The HP125 Series is a family of multi-function probes that offer up to 4 measurement parameters. The base probe offers three parameters: RH%, calculated DewPoint, and temperature. The base probe may be upgraded to add either absolute pressure or barometric pressure measurements. The HP125 probe is powered by 24 VDC and provides 0-10VDC analog voltage outputs plus an RS-232 serial interface. The RS-232 offers reporting functions only. Each probe is configured with a smart sensor tip. The sensor tip is protected by a sintered metal filter cartridge. Both the filter and the sensor tip are replaceable. The probe may be directly inserted into process measurement points, or may be coupled with a variety of application oriented sampling accessories for very flexible installation opportunities. The probe may be used stand-alone or as part of the SENTINEL and SENTRY Series Humidity Systems (see separate price list). The HP125 Humidity Probe comes with RS232, NPT pipe thread fitting, NIST traceable calibration certificate, instruction manual and one year warranty.