PDCR 300 Aerospace Pressure Sensor for Test Applications - OVERVIEW
PDCR 300 Aerospace Pressure Sensor for Test Applications - OVERVIEW
by Druck
- Construction:
- Small size: 21.1 mm (0.83 inches) L x 14.5 mm (0.57 inches) diameter
- All stainless steel 316L, 17/4PH, & INC 625
- 24 AWG PTFE-insulated cable
- Total Accuracy: ± 3% Full Scale (across wide temperature . range -55˚C to +150˚C)
- Pressure Ranges:
- 0 to 7 Mpa (1,000 psi) Absolute
- 0 to 10 Mpa (1,500 psi) Absolute
- 0 to 14 Mpa (2,000 psi) Absolute
- 0 to 21 Mpa (3,000 psi) Absolute
- 0 to 28 Mpa (4,000 psi) Absolute
- 0 to 35 MPa (5,000 psi) Absolute
- Pressure Connection: M5x0.8-6g
- Power Supply: 2.5 to 15 Vdc (output ratiometric to supply)