Model Superdew 3 Hygrometer Kit - DESCRIPTION

Model Superdew 3 Hygrometer Kit - DESCRIPTION
by Shaw Moisture Meters

The Superdew 3 from Shaw Moisture Meters is a single channel in-line hygrometer designed to measure dewpoint in process gases and compressed air. The panel-mounted enclosure provides panel protection to IP54. Combining the highly accurate, repeatable SHAW dewpoint sensor and advanced digital electronics make this the instrument of choice for a wide range of applications where precise measurement, control, and monitoring are critical.

Each dewpoint sensor is calibrated to provide overall system accuracy of better than ±2 °C (±3.6 °F) dewpoint and supplied with a calibration certificate traceable to international standards. The Superdew 3 can be user configured to display in °C, °F, ppm(v) or lbs/MMSCF on an easy-to-read five-character LED display.

The instrument offers two fully programmable alarm relays, which can be independently set across the dewpoint sensor's full operating range. Adjust and view the set-points from the front panel keypad. Supplied as standard, the isolated 4 - 20 mA analog output span is configurable across the dewpoint sensor range. The system allows the Superdew 3 moisture sensor to be remoted more than 3,280 feet (1,000 meters) from the display.