Tek-DP 1650A DProbar Multiport Self-Averaging Flow Meter - Overview

Tek-DP 1650A DProbar Multiport Self-Averaging Flow  Meter - OVERVIEW
by Tek-Trol

The Tek-DP 1650A DProbar is a multiport self-averaging flow meter (SAFM). Its classical and modern proven design is associated with averaging pitot tubes for clean process fluid measurement applications. It is a primary flow meter for measuring gas, liquid, and vapors flowing in pipelines and ducts based on the principles of differential pressure measurement (DP). The diamond-shaped multiport design has identical up and downstream ports for bi-directional flow measurement applications.

Normally, pitot tube sensors develop vortex pulses, which vary according to fluid flow rate changes. The diamond-shaped tube sensor and its strategically placed sharp edge fix the fluid separation point to compensate for this vortex effect. A 1650A DProbar meter comprises four primary components, an outer impact /external averaging tube (manufactured from a one-piece construction), an internal averaging tube, a low-pressure chamber, and a DP head with HP and LP impulse connections.

Due to the DProbar design, the average composite static pressures develop in the outer impact or external averaging tube and the internal averaging tube to provide higher accuracy and performance and are then read at the meter head. The low-pressure value is located at a sensing port hole in the tube assembly's downstream section (rear), enabling the correct calculation of the flow rates. This averaging technique also helps to compensate for specific non-ideal fluid flow velocity profiles and offers superior measurement accuracy over a wider flow range than basic Pitot tube designs.


  • Unique diamond profile shape offers good flow separation
  • High-flow turndown
  • Stable flow coefficient (K)
  • Diamond Bar design ensures optimum strength
  • Low permanent pressure loss
  • Multiport Averaging: Improved performance with asymmetric flow profiles
  • Suitable for a wide range of pipe sizes
  • Allows insertion into pressurized pipes (via a full port valve and hot tap)
  • Eliminates imposed piping between the primary element and DP transmitter