Druck - DPI 104 Pressure Indicator Calibration Kit
Precision pneumatic and/or hydraulic digital pressure calibration test kits. They include the DPI 104 along with a hand pump of your choice (PV210, PV211, PV212, or PV411A), which covers your desired pressure generation range.
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The DPI610E handheld pressure calibrator is the latest and the sixth generation of the DPI600 family. Capable of measuring pneumatic pressures from 95% vacuum to 500psi (35bar) and hydraulic pressures up to 15,000psi 1,000bar).

The DPI610E-A is a portable calibrator for precision leak testing of aircraft pitot-static systems. Configured as a single-channel unit for testing altitude or airspeed parameters, it is fully self-contained and has manual pressure and vacuum generation and venting capabilities.

Pressure test and calibration system combines pressure generation, signal measurement and loop power

Available in ranges up to 300 psi. Combine a DPI620Genii Multifunction Calibrator, a PV621 manual pressure generation station (vacuum up to 20 bar/300 psi), a PM620 Pressure Module (2, 7 or 20 bar [15, 100 or 300 psi]), and finally the 4Sight2 calibration management software, and you get a powerful portable pressure calibration system like no other!