Edgetech Instruments
Edgetech chilled mirror dew point instruments measure dew point, absolute pressure, PPMv and other psychometric variables, providing precise humidity, dew/frost point and water vapor measurement.
Product Categories

Sample Chamber Low Pressure (ambient pressures, barometric). Same as -SC1 except not permanent, is slip-on and removable.

Insulated Chiller Hose Kit, used with chiller systems used with chilled mirror sensors made by Edgetech Instruments.

It measures very low frost points using the primary chilled mirror measurement technique. Incorporating novel ice nucleation technology to reach low frost points in minutes provides superior performance over a wide dynamic range from ambient to trace moisture concentration levels.

Used to regulate the flow of gas between 0.5 to 5.0 SCFH (0.25 to 2.4 l/min) across chilled mirror sensors.

AC Powered Portable Dew Point Monitor utilizing chilled mirror sensor technology. Measuring ranges to 95C below ambient temperature (dew point accuracies to +/-0.1°C)