TRERICE - 227THT High Temperature Pressure Transmitter

Continuous Process temperatures up to 320°F/160°C, Ranges from 30" Hg vacuum up to 0 to 15000 PSIG, Accuracy +/-0.35% BFSL, 17-4 PH SS wetted parts, 4-20 mA or 0-10Vdc Outputs.
Trerice - 227THT High Temperature Transmitter
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Availability:   8 weeks

$ 442.40

227THT High Temperature Pressure Transmitter - OVERVIEW
by Trerice

The TRERICE 227THT "High-Temperature" Pressure Transmitter is the ideal choice for pressure measurement of high temperature process media. The integrated cooling tower allows the 227THT to consistently provide pressure measurement of high temperature (up to 320° F/l 60°C) processes. The stainless steel/thin-film sensor element of the 227THT is directly welded to the process connection, so no internal transmission media or seals are required, insuring a high degree of reliability and stability. Stainless steel wetted parts provide long-term durability even in the harshest environments.


  • Continuous Process temperatures up to 320°F/160°C (356°F/180°C allowed for 15 minutes)
  • Ranges from 30" Hg to 0 thru 0 to 15,000 psi
  • Accuracy: +/-0.35% BFSL (Best Fit Straight Line) or, +/-.50% FS (Full Scale)
  • 4-20mA and 0-10Vdc Standard Industrial Output Signals
  • Fully welded "Ory Measuring Cell", requires no internal
  • transmission fluid or seals
  • 17-4 PH stainless steel wetted parts
  • 304 stainless steel body
  • Highly flexible modular design
  • Protection Class IP65/NEMA 4X (Shielded Cable Connection IP67/NEMA 6)

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