Druck (Pressure Sensors and Instruments)
*** PLEASE NOTE *** SensorPros is authorized to sell Druck products in the USA States of CA, NV, TX, and OK only. For other locations (other states, including foreign countries), please contact the Druck factory at 800-833-9438 or e-mail them at ccpressureusa@bakerhughes.com.
Product Categories
Druck - RTX 1000H Pressure Sensing Platform
Rangeable HART Transmitters, with turndowns up to 100:1 and ranging from 0.3 psi to 20,000 psi. Great for level measurements; supports suppressed and elevated zero functionality. Call us for details.
Druck - UNIK5600 Pressure Sensor (SS Body)
Marine Certified Pressure Sensing Platform - STAINLESS STEEL 316L Construction. Accuracy to ±0.04% full scale, ranges from 70 mbar (1 psi) to 700 bar (10,000 psi).
Druck - UNIK 5800 Flameproof/Explosion-Proof Pressure Sensing Platform
Flameproof/Explosion-Proof Pressure Sensors. Accuracy to ±0.04% full scale, ranges from 70 mbar (1 psi) to 700 bar (10,000 psi).
Druck - 8200/8300 Series "TERPS" Pressure Sensor Platform for Harsh Media
RPS/DPS 8200/8300 - TERPS (Trenched-Etched-Resonating-Pressure-Sensor) High Accuracy Resonant Pressure Sensor for Harsh Media Applications
Druck - 8100 Series "TERPS" Pressure Sensing Platform
For use with clean, dry, non-corrosive gases. Trenched-Etched-Resonating-Pressure-Sensor, High Accuracy (to +/-0.01% FS)
Druck - 8000 Series "TERPS" Pressure Sensing Platform
Media isolated construction, suitable for use in
harsh environments. Trenched-Etched-Resonating-Pressure-Sensor, High Accuracy (to +/-0.01% FS)
Druck - TC Series Dry Block / Liquid Bath Temperature Calibrators
Dry Block and Liquid Bath Temperature Calibrators provide solutions for testing devices over a range from -35°C to 650°C (-30°F to 1200°F)
Druck - PV621-IS, PV622-IS, PV623-IS Pressure Generation Stations
PV621-IS, PV622-IS and PV623-IS Pressure Stations for DPI620-IS Multifunction Calibrator
Druck - Intrinsic Safe Pressure Module Carrier (P/N: MC620-IS)
Pressure module carrier attaches to the DPI620 Genii-IS. Can hold two pressure modules, either the PM620-IS (standard accuracy) or the PM620TS (TERPS high accuracy).
Druck - PM620-IS - DPI620 Genii-IS Pressure Modules
DPI620 Genii Intrinsic Safe, Standard Accuracy Pressure Modules. Used with the PV621-IS, PV622-IS, PV623-IS pressure stations, or the MC620-IS Pressure Module Carrier.
Druck - PV62X-IS Pressure Station Case(Ex) (P/N: IO620-CASE-3-IS)
Carrying case for DPI620 Genii-IS system, one of the PV62X-IS Pressure Stations, an MC620-IS, a PM620-IS and Test Leads
Druck - DPI620Genii-IS System Carrying Case(Ex) (P/N: IO620-CASE-2-IS)
Carrying case for DPI620 Genii-IS system and components
Druck - DPI620Genii-IS Carrying Case (P/N: IO620-CASE-1-IS)
Fabric Carrying Case for DPI620 Genii-IS
Druck - LP 1000 Series Low Pressure Sensor Platform
Wet/Wet Differential Low Pressure Sensors, Ranges from 0.1" to 27.7" WC (0.25 to 70 mbar), Uni or Bi Directional
Druck - UNIK5000 (50R2) - PTX50R2 Pressure Sensor (M20 x 1.5 Inline Conduit)
M20 x 1.5 Inline Female Conduit Demountable Electrical Connector, Stainless Steel body (1" diameter), 4-20 mA Output. Choose a pressure connector from a list of 32+ types.