HVAC Humidity and Temperature Sensors
E+E HVAC Temperature and Humidity Sensors are highly accurate transmitters used to measure humidity and temperature in HVAC settings for use in residential and commercial building automation systems.
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The CDS201 is optimized for demand controlled ventilation and building automation in residential and commercial applications, and combines CO2, temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) measurement in one device with modern design and state-of-the-art technology.

Detects condensation on pipes, ducts and other surfaces before the condensation actually occurs.

ACCURACY: +/- 3% RH (10...90% RH). Designed for HVAC, and Ideal for residential and commercial building automation. Analog, Modbus, BACnet or passive output in an elegant, easy to install enclosure.

ACCURACY: +/- 2.5% RH (10...95% RH). Designed for HVAC, a cost-effective, highly accurate transmitter in a polycarbonate housing.

High accuracy measurements of relative humidity and temperature in demanding climate control applications.

For meteorological applications; also calculates dew point, frost point and specific enthalpy.

Excellent long-term performance in high humidity and condensing environments; employs a heated humidity probe

Interchangeable RH/T sensing module, High Accuracy, Analog Outputs ( 0-5/10 V or 0/4-20 mA) or Digital Outputs (BACnet MS/TP or Modbus RTU).

The Sigma 05 sensor hub accepts up to three E+E plug-and-play interchangeable probes with RS485 interface and Modbus RTU protocol. Up to 5 measurands can be assigned to the two freely selectable and scaleable analog outputs and the optional graphic display.